Political Experience
Bobby has served in grassroots political leadership roles for close to thirty years. Whether leading an organization or going door-to-door for a candidate, Bobby has shown his commitment to the conservative cause. Bobby will use his experience to rebuild the Fort Bend County Republican Party and make it a powerhouse.

Dr. Bobby Eberle
Began in 1992 – Volunteer, Republican National Convention, Houston, TX
Assistant Campaign Manager, Jerry Burley for Congress
Membership Committee Chairman, Houston Young Republicans
President, Houston Young Republicans
Director of Club Development, Texas Young Republican Federation
State Chairman, Texas Young Republican Federation
Chairman, State Chairmen’s Association, Young Republican National Federation
Vice Chairman At-Large, Young Republican National Federation
Member, Leadership Development Committee, Harris County Republican Party

Recipient, Republican Party of Texas commendation resolution
Delegate, 2000 Republican National Convention
Member, 2000 Senate District 13 Rules Committee
Member, Temporary State Rules Committee, 2000 Republican Party of Texas State Convention
Member, Permanent State Rules Committee, 2000 Republican Party of Texas State Convention
Member, George W. Bush Strike Force, Seattle Washington
Director, Texas Lyceum Association
USA Today profile – Election 2004 – New Powerbrokers of the Internet
Insight Magazine profile – Using the Internet to Spread the GOP Message
Delegate to numerous Senate District and State Conventions
Blockwalking, Phone Banking, Mailings for candidates from Tom DeLay (1994) to Greg Hill (2020)
Featured writer, GOPUSA.com
Political and societal commentary in numerous publications including The Washington Times, Houston Chronicle, Current Events Magazine
Guest appearances on Fox News, Newsmax, One America News, News Nation, BBC, Sky News, MSNBC, local ABC and NBC networks, and numerous radio stations
Host, 13-Minute News Hour, YouTube
Communications Director, Greg Hill for Congress (2020)
Campaign Manager, Greg Hill for Congress (2020)
Chairman, Congressional District 22 Caucus, 2020 Republican Party of Texas State Convention
Member, 2020 Senate District 17 Rules Committee
Member, Temporary State Rules Committee, 2020 Republican Party of Texas State Convention
Member, Permanent State Rules Committee, 2020 Republican Party of Texas State Convention
Member, Outreach Committee, Fort Bend County Republican Party
Co-Emcee, 2021 Fort Bend County Lincoln Reagan Dinner
Member, Texas Latino Conservatives
Media/Communications Instructor, LeadershipLATINO
National Political Commentator, Newsmax, One America News, and Others
Chairman, Fort Bend County Republican Party since 2022